Thanks to Helen Knight for the photos and information below. Click on the images to view a slideshow.
These photos below shows me, the inset picture is of Bill Palmer in fields near the Braunton Great Field, he is the great uncle of my husband who’s family farmed at Score Farm Braunton. My grandfather Herbert Tamlyn who was a tenant farmer at Kennacott Farm, Muddiford, Nr Barnstaple. The next photo gives you an idea of what the hedge looked like beforehand.
The picture of the horse and it to the field to the right of the cows, quite high wouldn’t you say? It would have been taken around 1976/77 and the field was known as “Rover”, many of them had names so if granfather said he was working at “Brambles” we knew exactly were he was. Every year he would cut so many hedges by hand and at that time he looked after around 300 acres, some he would cut with a hedge cutter but not to the severity as they are today. Twigs were always bundled into faggots for the following years lightings for the fire whilst the logs were stored until needed, not much went to waste and there was certainly no need to chip the left overs as there were none.